Saturday 9 April 2016

Getting Ready for Europe Again

A few years ago I was a little bit more relaxed and my trip to Europe was more like the Griswald's European Vacation, but this time I'm taking my family so I have to be a bit safer and more prepared and we have visited the Australian government's Smart Traveller website suggested a few things to do before we go.

This time I will remember to pack a spare pair of underwear and my toothbrush in my carry-on bag in case my luggage gets lost again!  Ew! No fuzzy teeth or dirty undies for me! Where are we up to?

Passports in date. Tick.
Bank knows we're going. Tick.
Places to stay. Sorted.
Copy of our itinerary and travel documents to relatives. Almost.
List of attractions to visit and how to get around. Mostly, but the list is a bit long!
Get in the mood. Begin reading books and watching movies. Yup! Tick!
  • Geronimo Stilton, The Mystery in Venice, by Elisabetta Dami
  • Olivia goes to Venice, by Ian Falconer
  • Madeline, by Ludwig Bemelmans
  • This is Rome, by M Sasek
  • This is Paris, by M Sasek
  • Strega Nona, by Tomie dePaola
  • Gaspard on Vacation, by Anne Gutman
  • EJ12 Girl Hero - Ciao EJ, by Susannah McFarlane
  • Paddington Bear, by Michael Bond
  • The Babar Collection, by Jean de Brunhoff
  • Watch the cartoon, "Gaspard and Lisa," "Ratatouille," "When in Rome" (the Olsen Twins), "What a Girl Wants," and "Passports to Paris."
Mum has watched "Letters to Juliet," "The Italian Job," "Chocolat," "Life is Beautiful," "Moulin Rouge," and "Under The Tuscan Sun." She made Dad watch them too. She's also read, "Tulip Fever" again, by Deborah Morggach, "The Wife of Martin Guerre" and has just started "The Da Vinci Code" series again.

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