Sunday 1 May 2016

Cortona day 3

I love my grade 1  EL because  they're my  best friends and I will  show  you more photos. I will be back. I will miss  all of you. You're  the best grade ever since I left by 10 out of 10. I  have had heaps of ice cream it was yum. It's called gelato. I got a new sword. It's  fun to play with. I have had so much fun with it. Its  the from  Sebastian.



  1. Hi Sebastian,

    Your photos look amazing! We are all missing you very much and have been enjoying looking at all your beautiful photos. We have also put up a map in our classroom and have been looking at all the places you have visited. We cant wait to see your sword. Enjoy the delicious Gelati and keep updating us on what you are doing. Write soon! Miss Lewis :D

    1. Thank you for writing to me. I miss you very much. I will share some more photos soon.

  2. Hi Sebastian and Boris.
    We love reading about your journey and think you are very lucky to be having such an amazing trip.
    Sebastian, Noah wants to know how you fit so much food in your stomach? But he does think the gelato and pizza sound yummy!
    Noah said he loved hearing about the castle with the catapults and he might also dream about living in castle tonight and being a Knight!
    Look forward to reading about more of your adventures. Miss you all! Give mum & Dad a hug from us! Lots of love

    1. Thanks, Emma and Noah. You will make a good knight, Noah.

  3. Hi Sebastian
    Miss playing with you. Photos are cool. Glad your having fun.
    From Ethan.

    1. Thanks, Ethan. I miss you too. I wish you could eat gelato with me here. You would love it.


Maglev Shanghai Goes 431kmph

This is a video of when I went on the Maglev in Shanghai. It has a top speed of 431kmph. Make sure that you check out the timetable in advan...