Tuesday 17 May 2016

Sebastian's Answers To His Class

Aliza: How is your neck after Milana put sap on it?  It's fine now.
Kylah: Did you see any other animals being made at the glass factory? No we didn't, but the were other animals in the showroom, like bears and swans.
Alex: I hope you have a nice day?I'm having a nice day. It is nice weather. 
Clancy: What is the name of your hotel you are staying in? It was glamour apartments. We could see the Duomo! 
Riley D: I hope you are having a nice holiday, how long is it until you come back? About three weeks.
Mietta: We really liked the picture with the white peacock. 
Ava: What does the church look like inside? It had lots of colourful windows 
Hank: I hope you come back soon.
Maddy: We liked the photo of you in your gondola hat? It wasn't my gondola hat. It belonged to the man rowing our boat.
Caitlyn: How many churches have seen? I've seen lots. The main ones were St Peter's Basilica in Rome, the Duomo in Milan where we went inside both.
Hudson: Can you bring a horse for me? To late we have all ready left Venice. Today we are going to Paris in France! 
Miss Lewis: Sebastian it looks like you are having a wonderful time, those biscuits look delicious. We really enjoy reading your blog and looking at your brilliant photos. We look forward to reading your responses.

Thanks everyone! I love answering your questions.

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