Saturday 14 May 2016


Sebastian says:
Today we went on a gondola ride it was very Relaxing. He sang and he whistled. I bought a mask.  We saw glass blowing; he made a horse. It was amazing. I bought a horse. I got a photo with the Glass Master. The Glass Master worked for years in the factory. The island was called Murano. On the gondola I got to wear the gondola hat.


  1. Sebastian you look very cool with that hat on ,

  2. Wow Sebastian, it looks like you are having a wonderful time! I love the photo of you on the gondola with Boris! The children loved hearing all of your responses to their questions, especially Hudson he is very excited about gelato! We will write as a class to you as soon as we get a chance. We are loving reading your blog.

    Talk soon!
    Miss Lewis :)


Maglev Shanghai Goes 431kmph

This is a video of when I went on the Maglev in Shanghai. It has a top speed of 431kmph. Make sure that you check out the timetable in advan...