Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Peak

Sebastian says:
Today I went to the Peak. We had to take a tram up there. There was very good view up there. It's so  big and it is so steep. We could see lots of tall buildings below, birds and Eagles in the sky and th the harbour. Then we went back home and had a good day shopping.

Boris says:
The Peak is so steep that when you come down, you have to sit backwards so that you don't fall out of your seat! The steepest point is 27 degrees... The average gradient of Mount Alp d'Huez, the famous climb in the Tour d'France is just 8 degrees. 
In the olden days, they used to carry people up in carriages on poles that men lifted. Imagine that! We got lucky today with a clear day. Often The Peak is lost in the clouds and you cannot see that far. 

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