Friday 13 May 2016

Sebastian e Boris piace biscotti margharetine.

We all fell in love with the Margheritine Di Stresa. It is a biscuit named after the first Queen of Italy. She was queen from 1878-1890 during her husband, King Umberto I's reign. She used to spend her summers in Stresa at the Villa Ducale. The yummy biscuits are named in her honour and created by Pietro Antonio Bolongaro, a pastry chef from Stresa. They are light and crumbly, dusted in icing sugar and melt in your mouth! 

In 1868 the eldest daughter of Elizabeth of Saxony, Margherita, married Umberto I of Savoy, later becoming the first Queen of Italy.   Margherita asked for the new biscuits, which became a permanent part of the tables at court. The name of the biscuit also looks like the daisy (Margherita) and when they are dusted with icing sugar and placed in rows on a tray they resemble a field of white flowers. 
Today these biscuits of noble origin are sold all over Stresa. The little secret behind the special fragrance of the Margheritine is the use of boiled egg yolks, passed through a sieve until they become virtually flour.

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