Saturday 28 May 2016

Answers for 1EL - Transport

Hello everyone,

The fairytale day sounds like fun and some of the photos we saw on Facebook looked cool. I bet the biscuits were delicious! We haven't eaten much gelato since we left Italy, Hudson. We had crepes in Paris and stroopwafels and poffertjes in the Netherlands. Poffertjes are mini pancakes just a little bigger than a fifty cent piece! I had icing sugar on mine, but Ivar loves his in syrup!

We have been on a lot of different types of transport on our holiday. We've caught buses and trams in Rome and Florence, a hire car in Tuscany and so many trains, Caitlyn, that we've lost count! 

We've been on metro trains in cities, regional trains between towns and four fast trains that got up to 300km/hr! Not to mention all the aeroplanes. Guess what? The air host asked us if we'd like to go into the cockpit to where the pilots sit! It was really, really AWESOME!

We've been in Vaporetto, or water taxis in Venice and of course, the gondola! In Amsterdam we rode the canal boats, but that was a tourist boat, like the talking tram in Bendigo. We rode on bikes everywhere (and a tiny bit in the car) in Holten. Maddi, we've seen the double decker buses- they're EVERYWHERE, but the London Underground train system is easier. We can't forget our own legs... We've done soooo much walking everywhere! 

Today is our last day in London... And Europe. 😞 Tomorrow, Hank and Aliza, we start to come home, but we are going to Hong Kong first. Hong Kong is in Asia. It has been really nice weather in London still, Miss Lewis. We can wear t-shirts still because it's sunny and about 20 degrees. Mum and Dad just checked the weather for Hong Kong and it will be about 29 degrees! We are not excited about coming home to winter. Is it cold yet? 
A canal boat in Amsterdaam. 
The scenic train to Switzerland 
Riding up the Holterberg to dinner! In Holten, they call this a mountain. Hehe. (I'm in the white jumper).
One of our fast trains in Italy! So cool.

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